Friday 2 July 2010

Flying Turtle

Wednesday saw Ninja Turtle take to the water/skies. My box of goodies from Hyde arrived just in time for me to roll out to Cheddar and get rigged.
Tom Offer was out there in my old boat getting some time in before the Nationals next week and is looking pretty tidy after having been firmly bitten by the bug.

Suffice to say, everything on the new boat went very nicely. The mk2 version of Kevin's mainsail design looks really good (props to Hyde) and I've got a few days of practice and fiddling to try and get the most out of the new foils and controls.
Terry (spar making Aardvark) has done me a cool 2 piece HM mast with interchangeable top sections so in theory I can gear up or down depending on the breeze but will have to see how they look rigged up first before getting too carried away!

All in all, very pleased with things. Unfortunately I just don't think I'm going to be fit enough to last a full regatta...


  1. As I said, a tasteful green!
    Looks great Mike, best of luck.

  2. wow looks fantastic. that sail is about as close to an ellipse and you could hang a boom off. very impressive, look forward to seeing how it goes.

  3. Thanks guys!

    Sail looks less elliptical than the last one I had!
