Monday 20 October 2008

General Mothing

Not a lot of blogging action over the last couple of weeks but this doesn't mean a lack of sailing at BCYC.
Thanks to the windsurfers and their keen-ness the club is staying open for a bit longer on Wednesday afternoons - this has allowed me to get a good few hours extra in on the water and get my new sail properly sorted as it wasn't quite the same as my previous Hyde.
I found at the Tide Ride that I had zero depth downwind until the breeze was up and this lead to me making the move to stiffen up my mast a bit over the top half. This has made a world of difference giving more height upwind through more leech tension and more depth downwind as it powers up much better. Obviously the downside will be in gusty conditions as to whether the spar will depower as well - Time will tell...
The last two saturdays I've managed to get out in a good 10 knot breeze and try and pin down the foil tacking technique. I've also done a good deal of fiddling on Alan's Prowler with foil angles and new wand parts - The result being a vast improvement in ride height stability and much more level flight. It still amazes me how much the tiniest changes can affect things.

By the sounds of things, Martin and Alan both got a race in on Sunday and took second and first, but both still sailing off 840 which will need sorting out...

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